About Us
A!maginostic is an A*STAR IMCB Spin-off company incorporated in Oct. 2017. It has Research Collaborative Agreements with multiple clinical institutions.
A!maginostic focuses on pushing the quantitative and reliable cellular/ molecular image analysis and diagnosis solutions from academic research to clinical decision making, i.e., diagnosis and prognosis.
The core technical team has more than ten years of experience in designing and fast prototyping robust solutions for cellular image analysis and molecule diagnosis.
We will integrate methodologies from multiple fields, such as signal processing, image processing and computer vision, optimization, machine learning, pattern recognition, mathematical modeling, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Deep Learning (DL) with the input from Pathologists, Oncologists, and Cell Biologists.
Our goal is to provide efficient, accurate and robust digital pathology algorithms/solutions for patients/clinicians and improve healthcare for the public.
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